1519 E Pembroke Ave,
Hampton, VA, 23663 United States, Virginia
(757) 722 - 2551

12:00PM - 10:00PM
Fall/Winter Schedule - $1.50 Per Person Per Game w/ $1.50 Per Person Shoe Rental
$1.50 Plain Hotdog, $1.50 Medium Soda, 1.50 Small Fry
(Limited Availability Call to Confirm Lane Availability)
(*First Come First Serve - Large Groups will be required to pay as a group not individually)
Fall/Winter -12:00 PM-10:00 PM $2.00 Per Person Per Game w/ $2.00 Per Person Shoe Rental

ALL DAY - 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM Veteran's Military Special 2 Hours of Free Bowling, $2.00 per person Shoe Rental (With Valid Military I.D.)
(After 5:00PM lane availability is not guaranteed please call to confirm lane availability prior to arrival)
Fall/Winter Schedule- $3.00 Per Person Per Game w/ $2.00 Per
Person Shoe Rental 8:30PM - 10:00PM
(Limited Lane Availability - Call to Confirm Lane Availability)
Fall/Winter Schedule - 12:00PM - 5:00PM $3.00 Per Person Per Game w/ $2.00 Per Person Shoe Rental​
Fall/Winter Schedule - 12:00PM - 5:00PM $3.00 Per Person Per Game w/ $2.00 Per Person Shoe Rental
(Limited Lane Availability Call to Confirm Lane Availability)
5:00PM to 10:00PM - $5.00 Per Person Per Game w/ Shoes Included
(Limited Lane Availability Call to Confirm Lane Availability)
Fall/Winter Schedule - 12:00PM - 7:30PM $6.00 Per Person Per Game w/ Shoes Included
8:00PM - 12:00PM - MOONLIGHT BOWLING 4 Hours Unlimited Bowling $20.00 w/Shoes Included. (Reservations Encouraged)
Note* Reservations will only be held from 7:45PM to 8:15PM, if you do not arrive during this time your reservation will no longer be valid.
Fall/Winter Schedule - 12:00PM - 8:00PM (Limited Open Play Available) $6.00 Per Person Per Game w/Shoes Included (Call to check lane availability prior to arrival)
Note: All offers are dependent upon lane availability and are subject to change at any time. Offers are not a guarantee lane availability.
Large Groups will be required to pay as a group not individually.